What emerges from the archaeology is a culture steeped in religion.
She described "a corporate culture steeped in silos, turf battles, gossip and very little teamwork.
Their civilized veneer hid a culture steeped in the pleasures of torture and warfare.
The idea that forgetting could ever be a good thing seems counterintuitive, especially in a culture steeped in fear of Alzheimer's disease.
Lambert's good-natured sense of irony, as he describes this culture steeped in its own magic, makes "Spanish Lessons" a pleasure to read.
Like many cultures steeped in myth and mysticism, the Tamarians had great respect for madness, seeing it as a source of divine wisdom.
It's a new world for the service's historically male culture, steeped in machismo and stoicism.
But despite all such efforts, experts say, there is no getting around the magnitude of their task, in a culture steeped in sexism and violence.
That figure, far from reflecting the free-enterprising instincts of a culture steeped in a mercantile tradition, has more to do with oil.
Artists today hold out even less hope to a culture steeped in fear and pessimism.