It was as though, remembering our roots, we could reproduce that culture but had forgotten certain elements.
They are unweeping, even joyful, faces ecstatic, eyes shining, for these people know what later cultures will forget, that death is no termination but rather a natural continuation of life.
Each culture defines its own idiosyncracies and then forgets that it has done so.
Few cultures forget traitors.
Spiritual music, particularly from faraway, unfamiliar places, also stokes multicultural longings: the idea that another culture may have figured out something that's unknown or forgotten at home.
Our culture has not forgotten how satisfying a good, sentimental send-off can be.
I was lucky enough to rediscover at a fairly early age what most cultures have long forgotten; that every aster in the field has an identity just as strong as my own.
But we speak now, kuvii Bolan, of religion and tradition and the power they have to shape a man's destiny, something your Western cultures have forgotten.
Just look to our neighbors both Ethiopia and kenya have very diverse of tribes that do not share even language and culture, forget about relligion.
No culture as yet has actually forgotten history because no culture has really possessed more than fragments of it.