They study the medicinal uses other cultures find for their local plants and flowers.
German culture first found its operatic voice in him.
Other cultures may find it a bit much, but I just love it.
At the time the ivories were made, in the late 17th and 18th centuries, European culture was finding its way to far-flung places.
Different human cultures across the world have also found many other more novel uses for lichens.
"Especially after the Sept. 11 incident, it's imperative that many cultures and countries find a way to live together."
Published in 1972, this work was available far before the Cajun culture would find popularity through wonderful culinary dishes.
The standard argument is that a culture must find its own way.
But cultures before yours have found the same mysteries and done their own digging-literally or otherwise.
But the sales staff said these cultures would find that offensive.