The older culture had built a city and farms and facilities for half a million of its more adventurous members.
Though human cultures build on this reflex in different ways, it can help us understand everything from religious imagery to cosmetics to traffic lights.
The culture built permanent settlements and achieved relatively high population densities.
However, our culture has built this event into one of immense fear, and people are not properly prepared for it.
Only chumps think that way - the two examples you gave had common languages and cultures to build upon - Europe has neither.
It is known how these cultures built houses.
These two cultures have built on similarities while still respecting differences.
It's as if an alien culture came down from space and built a city in the middle of the Gobi Desert.
Likewise, a stable culture, government or institution has built into it its own demise.
Yes, they're fascinating; yes, it seems a miracle that any early culture could build such things.