Within the social sciences, however, the usage has become more generalized to all human groups that explicitly regard themselves and are regarded by others as culturally distinctive.
Archery in Bhutan is culturally distinctive because it is a martial art practiced among a modern population that abhors killing.
The first one being to distill some of what might be learned from a large body of fieldwork research on culturally distinctive ways of speaking.
Additionally, clothing which is culturally distinctive or denotes religious affiliation could provoke discrimination and lead to a denial of social, economic, or political opportunities.
"Milk kinship in Islam thus appears to be a culturally distinctive, but by no means unique, institutional form of adoptive kinship."
Biomedicine "formulates the human body and disease in a culturally distinctive pattern", and is a world view learnt by medical students.
However, despite the construction of a regionalist culture at élite levels, this is not really a culturally distinctive region.
Largely cut off from the subculture of youth clubs and the street, German rap turned into a lucrative hit industry which aimed to be culturally distinctive from its American roots.
New Mexico, while culturally distinctive with its Spanish and ancient Indian cultures, is a traditional bellwether in national politics.
The unidimensional model fails to fails to account for the fact that the host majority is also changed by the presence of culturally distinctive immigrants (Taft, 1953).