Each of these portraits is accompanied by a culturally appropriate musical soundtrack.
Unless the teacher is of the same or similar ethnic group as the students, communication and culturally appropriate education are limited.
State services, she said, "do not have bilingual staff; they haven't received culturally appropriate training."
In diagnosis, a careful distinction is considered for culturally appropriate behaviors, such as religious beliefs and activities.
In addition to the woman's culturally appropriate behavior, she is not supposed to have dates with several admirers simultaneously.
Culturally appropriate education may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels, for up to six months at least.
Our assistance is offered sensitively and in a culturally appropriate way.
A "tough love" toward elites may be needed to have them accept responsibility while increasing a culturally appropriate model of public participation.
With the help of a graphic designer, all figures and photos are culturally appropriate.
It is a body of knowledge that assists in providing culturally appropriate nursing care.