It has become such a cultural touchstone that its title long ago entered the language as a catchphrase.
Profits and pay are the cultural touchstone of the trader's world.
It's important because the Times becomes one of the last cultural touchstones, the thing the other smart people read.
Many other Chinese immigrants have followed the same dream, leaving behind homes, families and cultural touchstones for the promise of a better life.
In fact, feeling inside a Mafia family has become a cultural touchstone.
That particular cultural touchstone has been on its deathbed for years.
Their Springer is less a character than a cultural touchstone.
If my awareness of their cultural touchstones enables them to feel more comfortable with me, we both benefit.
"But this is a very important cultural touchstone for New York, and awareness should be raised."
The Hardy Boys have been called "a cultural touchstone all over the world".