He attributed this to a certain "lack of confidence" among Japanese and a cultural tendency not to talk about the unpleasant.
For better and worse, Tchaikovsky was a dedicated civilizer of Russia's more savage cultural tendencies.
Postmodernism is a term which describes the postmodernist movement in the arts, its set of cultural tendencies and associated cultural movements.
It's a cultural tendency among them.
Particularly interesting with regard to Homer's story are the cultural tendencies evident in the aftermath of such a collapse.
It is believed that such physical punishment probably goes heavily underreported, due to cultural tendencies.
Girls' enrollment in school was lower than boys' at all levels due to poverty, cultural tendencies to emphasize boys' education, and early marriages for girls.
"We have a cultural tendency towards extremism," said a senior Ethiopian official.
It had been impressed upon Marx at the university and in the think tank the importance of resisting regressive cultural tendencies.
It is also to assert an ethnically, or nationality-based citizenship to the exclusion of those who do not share that particular cultural tendency.