This arrangement helps us trace the different cultural strands that are woven into the urban fabric.
An impassioned humanitarian and scholar, Mr. West connects many cultural strands, devoting special attention to the authoritarian nature of black nationalist movements and lamenting the poisonous nihilism that is spreading among the poor.
The author "skillfully weaves into readable narrative the disparate cultural strands that brought America into World War II," Tom Chaffin said in The Book Review last year.
What is distinctly intelligible is the weaving of different cultural strands as a metaphor about the mind's struggle to integrate different representations of reality.
Picturesque, along with the aesthetic and cultural strands of Gothic and Celticism, was a part of the emerging Romantic sensibility of the 18th century.
Within this international growth the traditions of composition and performance centred in the United Kingdom, including the various cultural strands drawn from its different provinces, have continued to evolve in distinctive ways through the work of many famous composers.
It is influenced by two primary cultural strands:
The pieced-together look that results nicely suits an art that is built up from many cultural strands.
I think it's because of who he is - the many different cultural strands that are part of him.
It says iconic books and manuscripts set alongside everyday texts will show "the social, cultural and historical strands from which the language has been woven".