The definitive way to choose your clay ultimately is a cultural standpoint.
The museum's permanent exhibits cover the science and nutrition of sugar and its history from technological, cultural and political standpoints.
We can now attend to some of the specific ways in which these general initiatives were worked through, from an explicitly cultural standpoint.
"From a cultural standpoint, companies in France and Spain might have difficulty in absorbing these people."
Patronage in astronomy is an approach which one can use to examine the history of astronomy from a cultural standpoint.
From a cultural standpoint, the shared nature of the Crown is less clear.
"There's no doubt direct marketers are best positioned for interactive marketing from a cultural and experiential standpoint," he said.
Therapeutically, this was helpful, although from a cultural standpoint it was a trifle sterile.
Each persona would have a background, history, supporting details, and cyber presence that is consistent from a technical, cultural, and geographic standpoint.
Companies that are completely independent, such as Lionsgate, also produce mainstream films, from a cultural standpoint, but independent of the studio system.