A cultural relativist, Ms. Lightfoot-Klein is reluctant to reflexively condemn strange foreign practices, but she clearly shows "concern and compassion for the unfortunate . . . children who are subjected to [them] .
Much of the liberal and left intelligentsia is either cultural relativist or feebly-mindedly post-modern agnostic.
In other words, she is a parody of a liberal cultural relativist, and the play and a wide-eyed Ms. Armbruster delight in poking fun at her good intentions.
Considering Hutton to be "something of a cultural relativist", he highlights his suspicion that Hutton believes the shamanic claim that they have genuine abilities to contact the spirit world.
It's the cultural relativists and logical positivists.
If cultural relativists believe that morality changes with geography, then why do they respect only the geography of the third world and not that of the United States?
This is contentious ground, if only because the qualifier "Islamic," when applied to many broad concepts - democracy, for example - often elicits the charge, "cultural relativist."
In their academic towers, Mr. Jonsson said, cultural relativists become "partners of the tormentors."
The third and more recent type has integrated the cultural relativists' attacks against racism.
This is only one example of how a sacrosanct objective such as cultural diversity can serve less noble causes when cultural relativists interpret it in a different way.