But on nearly all occasions the answers have actually seemed to me not to require any special insight into unique cultural peculiarities.
The foundation for the co-operation is based on equal rights and a mutual respect for the other side's cultural peculiarity, and decisions are made in unanimity.
it's a cultural peculiarity.
I'd call it a typical male-dominated totalitarian state, only slightly mitigated by their rather artistic cultural peculiarities.
It also has some cultural peculiarities namely:
The territory of Greece is mountainous, and as a result, ancient Greece consisted of many smaller regions each with its own dialect, cultural peculiarities, and identity.
Curtis uncovered some interesting cultural peculiarities.
Nobody respected other people's cultural peculiarities more than Malcolm Pritchard.
Although saturated with the cultural peculiarities of its time and place, this film is too alive to be a mere period piece.
Language skills are critical, authorities on the region say, both as a means of communication and to help understand the cultural peculiarities of each country.