Radical Muslims, by contrast, are often considered victims of Western cultural and political oppression.
Only studies analyzing the cultural oppression of homosexuality seem to take a less deterministic position.
But some people in Eastern Europe might have viewed the great Russian ballet as a symbol of cultural oppression.
Old rock-and-roll songs, often sung in English, are standard backdrops, suggesting escape to another world rather than cultural oppression.
The language of such curricula denies the real economic and cultural oppression experienced by disabled people.
It has thereby deliberately abandoned its function of giving moral support to the national minorities in their struggle against cultural oppression.
Not much is known of her life after 1920, partly due to the political and cultural oppression of radical civil rights movement.
Continuing the trends set in motion in the 1960s, Congress adopted a general platform opposed to the political, economic or cultural oppression of any people.
This is a tribute to their ingenuity in the face of unusual cultural oppression.
Though it was the birthplace of democracy, Greece has endured political and cultural oppression for centuries.