And though science and anthropology have provided significant support for the proposition that color perception is basically identical across societies, recent studies have found evidence that we also see our rainbows through cultural lenses.
Instead, Rookie relies on other cultural lenses, like entertainment, an area where Tavi proves no less adept at attracting her idols' attention.
International interns experience the world though a different cultural lens while serving those in need and return to the United States with an increasing awareness of global issues.
Nor Crystal Tears is written from the perspective of the Thranx and the cultural lens through which they encounter the monstrous, fleshy alien mammals known as humans.
The gulf crisis has become a lens through which Americans are focusing their ideas about a host of issues, foreign and domestic, military and economic, political and cultural.
The book examines the human diet through historic, ethnographic, anthropological and cultural lenses.
Methods of gathering mortality data also need to be respectful of local death customs and must be implemented in places where death is experienced through a different cultural lens.
Setting aside one's cultural lens is not easy.
Mr. Alford and Ms. Duguid are married and they write as a team, traveling the world and studying food and diet through a cultural lens.
LaMonte's newest body of work draws inspiration from Japan, exploring the same themes through a different cultural lens.