Salmon himself was a stickler for details, and this would become a fundamental part of the firm's cultural fabric.
Although the bison are not native to the island, they play an important role in the cultural fabric of Catalina.
These runners have helped change much of the social and cultural fabric in their countries.
Each has argued for higher education to preserve the cultural fabric of society.
Focusing on one place has allows students to better understand the cultural fabric that carries the objects we study.
But the city at large would have lost part of its cultural fabric forever, without having solved its long-term budget problems.
Its impact on the social and cultural fabric of Egyptian society, however, was tremendous.
Certainly sports, professional and amateur, are an important part of the cultural fabric of this industrial city.
But the general still casts a long shadow in a nation where military might is part of the cultural and social fabric.
"Only after studying the entire cultural fabric of a country can you truly understand antiques."