Inadvertently, both pieces showed how hard it is to break away from music's cultural connotations, as the bits were often more interesting than the whole.
They may be perceived as having religious, cultural or political connotations.
The "bleachers" have been given cultural connotations of the innocence of high school and youth.
Have pretty much the same poetic content - assuming you can ignore the cultural connotations of the spelling.
Imagination - Throughout history, the term "imagination" has been given many different cultural and linguistic connotations.
Includes social and cultural connotations, modesty issues, etc.
Typically, each name has a particular audience and political or cultural connotation, and regional usage varies.
All three of these terms have carried negative cultural connotations at one time or another.
The simple games in the program enable audiences to think logically and understand math as well as the cultural connotations of indigenous culture.
Well, "kvetch" has a very specific cultural connotation.