There are cultural commonalities between Esperanto speakers, which is a distinctive feature of a cultural community.
If there is a theme, it is the growing cultural commonality of East and West.
I can recognize most races on sight, but I have no facility with languages or physical attributes or cultural commonalities.
Despite the varieties of different languages and customs in this region, many cultural commonalities exist among the populations due to shared experiences and histories.
Balkan cultural commonality and ethnic diversity.
Emphasizing cultural commonalities amidst diversity.
But today's revelations also suggested that the two species might have deep cultural commonalities as well.
India's foreign policy has always regarded the concept of neighbourhood as one of widening concentric circles, around a central axis of historical and cultural commonalities.
While separate peoples with their own customs and traditions, historical factors have introduced cultural commonalities across and differences within them.
Italians gather annually to acknowledge a cultural commonality.