These larger zones share similar geological, geographical, geomorphological, climate, and cultural characters.
The young people who started Tulenkantajat in their early 20s ended up being important cultural characters in Finnish society.
The cultural character of Quebec nationalism has been affected by changes in the cultural identity of the province/nation more generally.
Farm life and its traditions help shape the cultural and economic character of our state.
It seems that this cultural character naturally gives nice chance to communicate and intimate themselves(who head to be teacher working locally in a future).
It is crucial, therefore, never to forget one thing: despite the city's later tragic history, the key to the cultural character of Dresden remains pleasure.
Collectors' pieces and works of art of an educational, scientific or cultural character.
This naturalistic sentiment is indicative of the cultural character of the Pines.
These studies show that online community is an important social construct in terms of its cultural, structural, political and economic character.
The area's history is reflected by the continuing presence of a significant amount of its Jewish cultural character and institutions.