Either an entire generation has developed cultural amnesia or we were all wrong in the first place.
Much of his work, however, endeavors to battle what he has called "cultural amnesia."
"I wanted to stem the tide of cultural amnesia," she says.
But as pop's memory seems to grow ever shorter, they've decided that it's better to put music's past under glass than to risk cultural amnesia.
The real danger is not cultural hegemony but cultural amnesia.
This is a good example of the collective cultural amnesia that occurs where women's rock history is concerned.
"It is not just a factor of cultural amnesia; there is also a fair amount of hostility."
Cultural Amnesia is a book of biographical essays by Clive James, first published in 2007.
For the book by Clive James, see Cultural Amnesia.
"Cultural Amnesia," of course, is itself a book of Sayings and Thoughts, though on a wildly more inflated scale.