Meanwhile, Eliot, whose power rests in the secret dossiers he has compiled on just about every powerful figure in government, spends most of his time cultivating rare species of roses.
The species has been used as rootstock in attempts to cultivate species of Verticordia.
Fungus-growing ants that make up the tribe Attini, including leafcutter ants, cultivate certain species of fungus in the Leucoagaricus or Leucocoprinus genera of the Agaricaceae family.
Serre Ducale - the garden's most important building, built for winter storage of tender plants, recently adapted to also cultivate tropical species.
M. Jay Mackintosh, a former writer who emigrated from England eighteen months ago, plans to cultivate these and other rare species of vegetable on his farm in LansquenetsousTannes.
The ancient peoples of Central America were also the first to cultivate several fruit-bearing species of Annona.
Ecologists in Phoenix, for example, discovered that people there who were trying to cultivate native species ended up watering them as much as cultivated, exotic plants rather than allowing them to rely on their own resources.
It has helped to cultivate species in a way that requires less effort and less use of pesticides, and has made it possible to produce bigger harvests.
Several groups of ants cultivate fungi in the order Agaricales as their primary food source, while ambrosia beetles cultivate various species of fungi in the bark of trees that they infest.
Around coral reefs, the fish cultivate only certain species of algae, weeding out unpalatable species and keeping out other grazing fish.