Taiwan has been most successful in cultivating informal links, and there seems little prospect that any major country would transfer recognition to Taipei from Beijing.
As an active-duty army officer, the Spanish King cultivated close personal links with the military while steadily guiding Spain away from authoritarianism.
The group fundraise and rely on generous donations to continue cultivating educational, cultural, and commercial links between Denton and its twin towns.
It created combative trade unions, attracted important intellectuals and gained a solid base of support among Macedonian workers while cultivating strong links with the Second International.
For a long while the King cultivated religious and administrative links to the territory.
Richmond cultivated links with some League clubs by playing practice matches against them.
To broaden their protest movement, students are actively cultivating links with women's groups, labor unions and other organizations.
Correa is a businessman who cultivated links with PP officers.
Maintaining a close friendship with the European Union while funding, supporting and cultivating links with the offices of terrorist organisations is not an option.
But over time, this role slowly diminished as Uganda cultivated new links with other industrialized countries.