Although the French threat was neutralized, Menéndez decided to cultivate stronger alliances with the Native Americans to prevent future incursions.
He'd had time to cultivate alliances, to subtly discredit his detractors, to work his way to a position that would allow for this exultant return.
The Kadamba fame reached its peak during the rule of Kakusthavarma, a powerful ruler with whom even the kings of Gupta Dynasty of northern India cultivated marital alliances.
Whereas leaders cultivate alliances with powerful social groups to realize their infrastructural power, the exercise of despotic power can undermine such patterns of collaboration.
Normally, he would not have thought of cultivating foreign alliances, though he never doubted that some day, as President, he would be leader of the world orchestra.
José Maria de Alpoim cultivated alliances within the Carbonária and planned to acquire arms and assassinate the Prime Minister and (later) the king.
So they have worked hard over the past 15 years to cultivate alliances with people like Ms. Helms.
Swearengen had a knack for making money from vice and shrewdly invested some of his profits in cultivating alliances with the camp's wealthy and powerful.
As the Liberals' political star waned, Mr. Kubiak cultivated other alliances.
Almost immediately, Iuz transformed his estate into an armed camp, and began cultivating alliances with the other local lords.