Suppliers learned to cater to new ethnic tastes, culinary trends and demands for convenience.
Despite the staggering hours, the need to keep up with culinary trends and all reports to the contrary, these chefs do have a life outside the kitchen.
Although it might contradict current culinary trends, food of this sort has never entirely lost its appeal, in great part because of seasonings.
OVER the years, among the many major culinary trends, two polar-opposite positions have evolved in the recipe-writing business.
New ideas and culinary trends are showing up in the city, too.
This class also improves students' overall awareness of current culinary trends and gives them direct access to recognized experts in the field.
Others have adapted the ritual to current culinary trends, replacing a ham salad sandwich with, say, smoked chicken.
The members of Chefs 2000 will meet in Washington in the year 2000 to discuss culinary trends in the 21st century.
Mr. Wan, 33 years old, is part of what must surely be China's oddest culinary trend.
This is a city where restaurants open, close or change names faster than culinary trends emerge or are re-enacted.