As regarded culinary preferences, at least, the doctor felt a certain kinship with him.
But I can tell you the culinary preferences of a dozen crew members, and I hardly know anything else about them.
Cultural pride and culinary preferences account for the consistency of Chinese food wherever it is made.
There are many varieties of rice and culinary preferences tend to vary regionally.
Ask her about the large Alpine horns on the walls or about Swiss culinary preferences and she will have stories to tell.
The word has nothing to do with ethnic background or culinary preference.
"I will file your culinary preferences, Louis."
And perhaps he had divined that with a "masculine" mind her culinary preferences were "masculine" as well.
Most of the foreign food had been improved to suit the culinary preferences, resulting to form the unique derivative cuisine that excels over the original.
Semnani food tends to be slightly sour and spicey when compared to the general culinary preferences of Tehran.