Mussels fell off the culinary map until early this century, when a few fishermen tried to promote their product's nutritional value, an idea before its time.
Now Guy Reuge, the chef and owner who put the restaurant on the culinary map, is looking for a second site.
This is California cuisine - a far cry from the raw baby vegetables, edible flowers and pizzas that put the state on the culinary map.
Our final two choices under "Very Good" are at opposite ends of the world's culinary map.
And the book also puts this raffish repository of many cultures on today's culinary map for more than bouillabaisse.
This dish, originated at Dave's Grill, put Montauk on the culinary map.
"Donovan's" top 30 are all over the culinary map.
Its efforts are up, down and all around the culinary map.
Sam Leith remembers a time when Little Chef was redrawing the culinary map.
He insists that skunks are drawn to the same finger food that put Buffalo on the culinary map.