It came again, a compelling note which seemed to hang in the crystalline air, urgent, summoning.
It left the air crystalline, cornices dripping puddles in the streets.
Paused there, in the cold sunshine, to take a deep breath of crystalline air.
Beyond the trees were wooded hills that, in the crystalline air, seemed to lie within arm's reach.
Shrill laughter floated on the crystalline air from behind the hotel.
Far as one could see in the crystalline air there was nothing but desert.
Stars glittered overhead in the crystalline air of Indian summer.
Still, there is a sense of urgency, along with a great deal of smoke, pervading the usually crystalline air here.
The clear chime of bells came to him on the crystalline air.
The afternoon we arrived, the crystalline air smelled of jasmine and we felt sublimely content simply being there.