Luck cried breathlessly, and went scrambling through the bushes to where he might stand in the open, on the very rim of the basin.
"She must be outside," Harmony cried breathlessly.
Felkin cried pitifully and breathlessly over and over.
Chuck cried breathlessly, stepping up beside me.
Mr. Murphy cried breathlessly, all of his chins quivering at once.
I always get so intensely excited," breathlessly cried Betty.
Regis cried breathlessly, desperately, holding up his ruby and giving it a spin.
"Come along, Pound," he cried breathlessly.
"Yeah," Nippy cried breathlessly, "if that catches up with us, we'll be nothing but three grease spots tangled in a mess of junk."
Swinging himself down, he flew home to the hut, crying breathlessly, 'Mother, mother, the farmers are close by with the wolf.