She started out across the crusty snow.
Right next to the crusty snow, the ground around the lip of the chasm is soft and ashen underfoot.
Its bright light cast a glare across the crusty snow and forced Rennie to raise her hand to shield her eyes.
With gray, crusty snow still on the ground, I'm able to walk for miles without freezing.
All of them were thankful for the hard crusty snow that held them up.
Staring down at the white-dusted ground, he could see something etched into the frozen, crusty snow in the dim light.
She kicked at the crusty snow.
He pulled himself forward, digging handholds in the crusty snow and moving in steady lurches.
The shadows lengthened quickly across the crusty snow.
My radial tires crunched noisily into the crusty old snow that lay beneath the two inches of fresh.