She put the blue dish with the crushed cigarette on a square black side table and did something that made the front of it open.
Upstairs, past the banana peels and crushed cigarettes, is a ward for treating dehydrated children.
Noah looked down at the crushed cigarette, only half smoked.
You wouldn't want crushed cigarettes, would you?
Cash snorted and lighted a crushed cigarette.
Dressed impeccably, carrying books to read, they endured the abuse of the white hoodlums who poured ketchup over them and crushed lighted cigarettes into their necks.
Soon a faintly acrid scent drew him to three crushed cigarettes that marked where the man had been waiting for him.
This time around, it is a burning car, going up like a brandy-doused flambé or smoldering like a crushed cigarette.
He reached into the mysteries of his pocket and produced a piece of string, a knife, the wishbone of a fowl, two marbles, a crushed cigarette, and a match.
Inside one of the pockets was a badly faded shopping list and a pack of crushed cigarettes.