He wore a crumpled suit, brown with black stripes, and a blue kaffiyeh.
A man in a crumpled suit stood on the pavement staring at us blankly.
Beneath he was wearing a crumpled suit and tie.
Rachel looked over her shoulder and saw a tall, white-haired man in a crumpled dark suit.
He had put on a crumpled suit for the meeting but somehow Alex could tell he spent most of his life in a white coat.
Their efforts were being directed by a figure in a crumpled European suit armed with a pistol.
Graham noticed that the man in the crumpled brown suit had gone.
It was the man in the crumpled suit.
He was dressed in a crumpled brown suit with a brown shirt and tie.
"You could do better," she agreed, with a candid glance at my crumpled suit.