Investigators have been puzzled, because the crash occurred as the 10-month-old plane was cruising at 35,000 feet.
So most convoys cruised at 40,000 feet or higher, just to save gas.
It was pleasant, cruising at ten thousand feet: sunny but cool.
I'm in for the mark now," I'd been cruising at 1,500 feet, out of the range of the small arms fire from below.
Mr. Hall said that the data show an uneventful and level flight, cruising at 33,000 feet.
A two-seater was cruising overhead at six thousand feet.
All these clouds were below the fighters, which were cruising at forty thousand feet.
We'll be cruising at 29,000 feet at a speed of 590 mph.
The plane will be cruising at 57,000 feet and will reach twice the speed of sound (1,340 miles an hour).
Cruising speed: 35 to 40 m.p.h., usually at 1,000 feet.