He shook his head sadly at the cruel injustices of this world.
Many thought it a cruel injustice that Julian should have to go to prison at all.
The former seemed a cruel injustice, and contrary to the nature of the Eldar.
Stung by the cruel injustice of the demand, Murdo could not speak.
Moments later, however, he tried to paint the loss as a cruel injustice.
After the battle Lee accused Washington of "cruel injustice" in a letter.
Walking back down the field the cruel injustice of the thing bore down on me increasingly.
I was terribly lonely in the empty building and felt that my illegitimacy was a cruel injustice.
A media giant does cruel injustice to an individual - and then uses its power to try to keep the victim from repairing the damage.
Oh, the despair, the feeling of cruel injustice, after all my prayers and resolutions, at once again waking between the clammy sheets!