Dots: Small cruel creatures, that look like gingerbread men, who steal everything they can get.
Of course, there was some bullying, because boys of that age are cruel and nasty creatures.
Then the person you are speaking to slips in words like blood sports, slaughter, cruel, fluffy creatures.
It didn't happen like that, of course; deep gnomes were neither rash nor cruel creatures.
Man was the cruellest creature of all, there was no getting away from that.
Kids are the cruelest creatures in the world.
Well, if that's so, then God's an unforgivably cruel and capricious creature.
And we write sonnets to your eyebrows, you cruel practical creature.
Then we started on down into the valley, not wishing to risk another encounter with that great horde of cruel and ruthless creatures.
Just cruel creatures to be stamped out by any means possible, no sacrifice was too great to kill a German.