I will make no more sacrifices to the piggies; they are too cruel a god for me to worship anymore.
"It was some cruel god saying I can't actually be close to dogs," he said.
What kind of a cruel god would do this to her, and to him?
Someone to whom real life was some kind of hideous prank, played by a cruel god.
If we suspected a cruel God in chapter 21, then surely we have got one now.
Should human beings eternally be punished in the name of a cruel God for a short-lived mistake?
In every world, the agents of the Authority are sacrificing children to their cruel god!
They rejected the cruel God of the orthodox who threatened mankind with eternal fire.
"Being in the subways is sometimes like being subject to an angry, cruel and indifferent god," he said.
The gentle child - the cruel god - Ah me!