The word "system" flatters the crude mechanism by which these pensions are actually paid.
"Very crude mechanism," I said.
Perhaps the Boney was right; perhaps the crude filtering mechanism above his head would remove much of the worst substances . . . After all, the Boney was healthy enough to tell him about it.
This lock was much simpler, merely a crude one-lever mechanism, and it took only seconds to snap the ancient lock open.
It's a crude old mechanism.
What was going on now was on some other level, which didn't need the intervention of crude mechanisms.
He spoke of the Court of Chancery, but he might have meant any tribunal that would extend the crude mechanism of court-ordered visitation to proliferating relatives.
Once this slogging labor was under way, Jason turned his attention to the crude mechanism they were powering.
But simply to say that we cut them all by 10% is a very crude mechanism.