It's a crude attack as such things go, but it willP damage wellstone fibers.
Downing Street is however anxious to avoid the reforms being portrayed as an invasion of parents' privacy or a crude attack on the wealthy.
In 1979 Pizarro was detected in Santander, after a crude attack of the army.
Through this campaign that, so far, involved no more than crude attack, The Shadow was due to meet a master-criminal whose ways were those of subtle strategy.
His crude attack showed how hard it will be to maintain the Constitution's premise of accountable government, subject to questioning and criticism, during a war without visible end.
Was he so unhinged by the drug residue in his system that he thought he could succeed with such a crude attack?
It is a crude attack on public sector workers who are already suffering a pay freeze while many face the threat of losing their jobs.
It was a crude frontal attack without any attempt at even a feint of flanking, but the valour of the troops, from general to private, carried it through.
Is it off the mark to have people slam chairs into one another, make crude physical attacks, cut people's ties off with scissors?
Naglaa Mahmoud, a mother of five and a Brotherhood counselor, has been a subject of snide remarks and crude attacks on popular internet sites.