His 1954 painting Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) depicts a crucified figure upon the net of a hypercube.
A spectral figure riding a horse confronts a crucified bearded figure who is being speared at the chest.
Usually they display three crucified figures: Christ and the two thieves.
One called "Curator" features a crucified figure with male genitalia for a head and the words "Kill me fast" (Johnson).
In each the father is depicted as a crucified figure floating against aerial views of working-class neighborhoods.
And then Gant saw the third crucified figure in the room, and she gasped in revulsion.
All they saw was a silhouette, spread-eagled against the building on the top floor like a crucified figure.
The pen and watercolor of a Mexican lying under a sombrero beside a tree in which hangs a crucified figure is a rare social comment.
Occasionally, the pressure of af Klint's religiosity required the presence of crucified figures, winged angels or St. George and his dragon.
Called the L'albero della vita it is a gilded and bejeweled tree surmounted by a crucified figure.