The crowning event recorded in the Book of Mormon is the personal ministry of Jesus Christ among Nephites soon after his resurrection.
Words cannot begin to capture the significance, the grandeur, the magnificent splendor of this crowning event.
EVERY sport has a crowning event, a singular title that is both athletic championship and cultural spectacle fused into one.
By any reckoning this should have been a crowning dramatic event, but it made barely a ripple in Mr. Schlingensief's world.
Palestinians have spoken of this conference as a crowning event at the end of years of struggle to be recognized as a people.
They say having a seat at the talks is a crowning event after years of effort to be recognized as a people.
The crowning event to the Flat season promises to be as compelling as ever.
The crowning event of his career was the opening, in 1893, of St. Bernard's Seminary.
The crowning event of the evening was Mike Larrigan's oath of allegiance.
His crowning event was the four-man World Championships on February 27, 2011, where he finished first and became World Champion.