The arms were crowned with a royal crown with three visible arches and the Order of the Golden Fleece was suspended round them.
The image was crowned in 1905 with a crown designed by the Marquis of Griñi, and valued at 450,000 pesetas (£18,750, 1910).
In 2004 he was a key organizer for an event in which Moon was crowned with a "crown of peace."
All surrounded by hermine mantling crowned with a royal crown and tied up with tasseled strings or.
Crowned with a royal crown.
HE WAS crucified, and crowned with a crown of thorns.
In 1964 he was crowned with a crown of gold for the narrow escape from war.
(Some accounts offer that he was tortured to death by being crowned with a red-hot crown.)
The thistle is crowned King of the plants with a 'radiant crown of rubys'.
All crowned with a royal crown.