The crown ethers are examples of low-molecular weight polyethers.
In the research lab, crown ethers are used for this purpose.
CTV has a bowl shaped conformation just like a crown ether.
Some or all of the oxygen atoms in crown ethers can be replaced by nitrogens to form cryptands.
Among the interesting features of metallacrowns are the similarities between certain structures and the corresponding crown ether.
The breakthrough came in the 1960s with the synthesis of the crown ethers by Charles J. Pedersen.
Lithium ions may be chemically removed by binding to species such as cryptands or crown ethers.
Work carried out during the 1970s and 1980s aimed to use chiral crown ethers as sensors.
Like crown ethers, cyclen compounds are capable of selectively binding cations.
Most prominent synthetic ionophores are based on crown ethers, cryptands, and calixarenes.