It rules over an extremely crowded world, in which privacy is no longer a concept.
Throughout the book, the image of the entire human race standing shoulder-to-shoulder on a small island is a metaphor for a crowded world.
Boys trying to assert their identity in a crowded world.
In the crowded world outside he had always seemed a tolerable enough person.
If we ignore it, then they will have a warmer but much less crowded (and more intelligent) world to live in.
How many thousands of people has she met in that time, on this busy, crowded world?
Inferno was not a crowded world by any means.
So, too, is a less crowded world in which people have more opportunities to live and work where they choose without fear of reprisal.
Why add another person to a crowded world, unless he or she had something special to offer?
But our world, so much more crowded, would die in a day without the distilling plants.