Yale University also has a crowded schedule of faculty and student events, including several major orchestral and opera programs.
However, her crowded schedule and the accompanying stress eventually led to the couple's divorce.
Their backers see the ratings decline as a function of the crowded schedule.
Trinity, for example, designed a weekend college in 1984 to meet the needs of working women with crowded schedules and thwarted ambitions.
Was that why this highly placed diplomat had given a mere private investigator ten minutes out of his crowded schedule?
Commander, I'm so glad you've found time in your crowded schedule.
So does the political calendar, with its crowded schedule of elections.
Lawyers would often try to squeeze death-appeals work into a crowded schedule.
This afternoon holds a crowded schedule of chamber recitals.
Because of the Senate's crowded schedule and the amendment's broad political implications, the Senate leadership has been reluctant to bring the amendment to a vote.