If I don't kill them, they might put a bomb in a crowded marketplace and take out scores of innocent people.
Higher education has become a crowded and ultra-competitive marketplace.
Light a flare in the crowded marketplace, then step back and watch everyone watching you.
There's a line out the door of people eager to spread their ideas, because in a crowded marketplace, being ignored is the same as failure.
To attract attention in a crowded marketplace, the most common practice is to make a lot of noise.
Next day, while she wanders in a crowded marketplace, Esther is approached by a nice young man who seems desperate to know her.
Trucks jam the town's crowded marketplace, and herds of cows wander across the main street.
The chemical unit needs to reduce costs to compete in a crowded marketplace.
We threaded our way through the crowded marketplace.
But still, he insisted, there is no conflict in the increasingly crowded visual marketplace.