Calmly, the crowd turned from the grave and wandered back through the village for conversation and food and to comfort the family.
There he takes a job at a giant railway terminal called Zentropa and finds himself in a futuristic nightmare in which stony-faced crowds wander a bleak landscape.
A crowd of peasants, police, gypsies, and others wander about Admiralty Square.
A swing band plays, crowds wander through the stalls and I buy an enormous burrito.
The crowd wandered from room to room, from stately hall down to pantries and kitchens and bakehouses.
A highly mixed, very young crowd wandered between the salsa room, a gallery of graffiti art and a back room full of thunderous hip-hop and decorated by four frantic go-go dancers.
The crowd melted away from the strange threesome and wandered back to their boxes for the next movement.
Slowly the crowd moved out of the little park and wandered on a serpentine course, covered by a canopy of mostly black umbrelllas.
The crowd split up, became separate entities again and wandered on with that hasty step that is so identifiable in any New Yorker.
Noisy, mostly young crowds wandered through the streets, ducking into hip bars; some chrome-and-mirror minimalist, others crimson and decadent like bordellos.