The disgruntled and disgusted crowd was trailing away.
Father Gregorios was among the first to head for the exit, opening a path through the crowd with Nikitas closely trailing him.
A whole crowd trailed him, surrounded him, but the Praxis aides understood, they made a way for him through a growing crowd.
By the time we reached the quay, a crowd trailed after us, keeping well back for the most part but whispering and pointing at Zama and me.
The crowd of hundreds trailed closely behind the human bellwether as he left the clothing store and traveled down to the University Club, where he was scheduled to deliver a lecture.
The crowd was trailing, but giving him plenty of room.
The crowd was trailing after the Coordinator into a nearby interior.
Behind them, the crowd trailed menacingly, yelling, "Traitors!
The carriage went at a walk, and the crowd trailed behind, with all the folk looking out of the windows, so that a more glorious advertisement could not be conceived.
The crowd of burly men trailed after him.