The crowd tends to be younger then, perhaps a little less serious about the quality of the booze, but just as eager for it.
The crowd here tends to be young, or young at heart, wealthy and on the make.
The crowd here tends to very young locals, and music is a mixed bag.
"The crowd there tends to be a little rough around the edge," Sam said.
He went on so that every citizen in turn might hear, and now the crowd no longer tended all one way.
As a rule, only male friends of the girls are allowed entry, although in practice the crowd tends to be fairly mixed.
The crowds tend to stay outside where the booths are, especially when its sunny.
Next week is spring break in America so it could get busy, but crowds do tend to fan out once on the mountain.
People have jobs so more crowds tend to gather in the evening time.
The crowd tends to be more laid back and egalitarian.