With the crowd shots at last in the can, everyone on horseback milled around waiting for clearance and instructions.
At some sparsely attended events, they are extra bodies to fill out a crowd shot for the television cameras.
To see 222 crowd shots in nine innings is absurd.
He picked up that piece of sound and laid it over his preferred crowd shot.
And way over here," she says, tracing her finger to the opposite side of the crowd shot, "that's Diane.
At that moment some crowd shots came on.
They saw the blond young man step quickly out from the crowd, fire three quick shots straight at the Prince.
A crowd shot would have been trash, but not any that might have illuminated the dispute.
Not surprisingly, with tension at its peak in the bottom of the 14th, Fox showed 23 crowd shots.
The crowd shot is properly used to help build tension in a close game.