Australia were on track to win the 5th test but the crowd rioted and the game had to be called off early.
The crowd rioted, throwing stones and assaulting the set's gates until police arrived and dispersed them.
The crowd rioted, and the games director was torn to bits.
The crowd promptly rioted and began chanting "tear down the wall!"
The crowd rioted on cue but the camera-crane jammed, dumping the operator out of his perch.
On 6 April an estimated crowd of around 1,000 people rioted and attacked their properties and homes.
When police tried to arrest revellers who were openly smoking marijuana, the crowd of 6,000 rioted.
Akhtar had impeded Tendulkar and the crowd rioted, forcing the police to evict the spectators.
The chariot race was filmed in Rome, where a huge crowd of extras rioted when they heard it would be their only scene.
What had happened, when the crowd had rioted?