And it now appears that while the crowd inside the gym was not overflowing, those planning to enter would have far exceeded the capacity.
The crowd overflowed the House in every part.
The gym was small with a track overhead, and the crowd for Monmouth overflowed into the hallway.
The crowds overflowed onto the pitch as there was no room on the terraces.
The room was quiet but the crowd overflowed into the benches lining the hallways.
At 7 p.m., the crowd in the ballroom overflowed into another room.
In Kisumu, where it was raining, the crowd overflowed from beneath a tent.
By 8:30 the standing room only crowd in the lobby and reception area overflowed to 8th street and around the corner down Bluff.
On weekends, the crowd overflows onto the sidewalk.
The game was a chaotic affair, interrupted several times as crowds overflowed onto the pitch.