"While you're actively carving these things, the crowd is oohing and ahhing and following every move of your hand."
Just 20 feet away from us, two tiny seal pups wriggled closer to their mother for protection as the crowd oohed and aahed.
The crowd oohed, and the Lakers led by 18.
The crowd oohed, thinking it was part of the special effects.
Dogs hid whimpering under beds, and crowds oohed at bursting stars.
The crowd oohed and aahed while each of the four Rogues went up to receive his cup.
When his flypaper hands made a blur of the basketball, the crowd oohed.
He walked the next batter, Ben Grieve, and the crowd oohed at all four balls.
The crowd oohed and aahed and dashed over to him as it followed the ball.
"While you're actively carving these things, the crowd is oohing and ahhing."